I really can't believe that it has been 10 months already since our sweet Peyton was born. She is such a joy and makes us so happy! I was late on her 9 month appt because we changed Drs. and we just had it today. She is such a tiny little thing!
Weight: 17 lbs, 14 oz (18%)
Height: 28 in (43%)
It's crazy to think she's that small since she's been wearing 12 month clothes for a while now and even some 18 months. Jackson was always small so I'm not at all surprised, it's just funny to think that almost everyone I know who has babies around the same age are bigger than her. I think she will be a petite lil thing, which is great since her Mama isn't and always wanted to be :) A few things about Peyton at this age:
*She is trying so hard to walk on her own, she took 4 steps yesterday!
*LOVES climbing the stairs and does it every chance she gets
*She laughs at herself and everything else, she's become such a little cheeser
*She is waving and clapping and is so proud of herself when she does it
*Peyton just adores Jackson and wants to be by him all the time
*Says Mama, Dada, and we swear that she says Kitty when she sees our cat
*She has started to get mad at us when we take something away from her and it cracks us up
*Just last night Josh told her 'no' for the 1st time and she stuck her little lip out and gave him the saddest look ever, which again cracked us up (are we mean or what??)
*You wouldn't know it since she's so small but she loves to eat
4 STEPS ! wow - She is so sweet, but yes, it is mean that you laugh when she pouts. j/k She had better get used to it.
So cute. We love her! I can't wait to see you guys.
She is getting so big- even if she isn't very high on the charts! I don't know if I have ever sent you an invite to my blog, but if you want me to send me a message on facebook with the email address you want me to send the invite to! It looks like things are going well for you guys!
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